Mi Familia

If you want to know about me- my family is the best place to start. They are the core of all things Diana.

My Dad.

This distraught looking man to the left is my dad. My mom and him got married right before I turned seven, but as far as I'm concerned, he's been there from the beginning. My dad is my running buddy. He's a tall guy and can come off a little intimidating, but let me assure you that he is one of the funniest people you'll ever meet (he gets that from his mom).

If it wasn't for this man, I would have grown up without a dad. I thank God for blessing me and my family with him. Heh.

My Mom.

First of all, how cute is my mom? I've got some good genes. This woman is the strongest woman I've ever known. She literally saved my life. My mom is my rock. She would do anything for anyone in need. She has a soft heart and lives to provide for her family. I've never known a more caring person in my life. My mom is my best friend.

Big Brother 

This is my first sibling- Kevin Frazier. He's almost 23 and will be graduating from St. Joseph's University this spring with a degree in Management. He is a devout Christian man. Kevin has this great talent of selling stuff online and making a good profit. I always go to him when I need to find a good deal. My brother and I were closer when we were little than we are now, but I still love him very much and would do anything for him.

Big Brother

This is Johnny. He is almost 23, too, and just graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. In case you were wondering from the age, Kevin and him are NOT twins. Johnny is "technically" my step-brother, but I think of him as my own flesh and blood. He has a great dry-humor that is wildly entertaining. Johnny has a great sense of taste, particularly with food. He desires the finer things in life...he would have made a great heir. Johnny will be very successful, assuming this job industry picks up! I'm very proud of my big brother.

Baby Sister

I don't even know where to begin with this girl. Funny, talented, skinny, quirky all describe my sister. When our parents got married back in 1997 I didn't realize the gift I'd really received in my sister. Katie and I are very close. I am pushing her to come to Ball State next fall, but I will be proud of her no matter where she attends school. Katie has the best sense of humor. Just about anybody could get along with her.

Baby Brother

This goofy dude on the left is Sam: a huntin', fishin', chewin' hillbilly boy. He hates to admit it, but he loves his big sister very much. Sam and I have been through a lot which has only brought us closer together. He's a good brother and looks after me like I'm his daughter. He makes it very clear that any boy that comes around me will have to talk to him first. I love this kid so much and know he will make a wonderful soldier someday.